Entrepreneurship and innovation do not originate in one magical moment, nor are they the province of a select few born with an “innovative gene,” but rather the product of a specific set of skills- a set of skills Arieli calls chutzpah.
Arieli did not invent chutzpah. Rather, she has become a global chutzpah expert and is known for unpacking what it means, defining its scope, and rearranging the elements that make chutzpah the critical mindset it is. Applying the principles of chutzpah can transform the way organizations and individuals innovate and develop products, services, processes, and strategies.
Arieli believes chutzpah must be applied at all stages of a venture, starting at the initial phase of discovery and observation through which a new order is created. It can then continue through validation, the collection of feedback, and learning from mistakes as you optimize and create efficiency.